# Webhook Security

# Overview

When data is exchanged over the internet, there is a risk of interception and modification, known as a man-in-the-middle attack. To protect against this, AppSumo includes security measures in every webhook sent to partners.


# Message Authenticity

Each webhook from AppSumo contains two security headers that help validate the integrity of the message, ensuring it has not been altered.



AppSumo uses the HMAC SHA256 algorithm, which creates a secure, one-way encryption to verify that the received data is exactly as sent.

  • How It Works:
    • AppSumo and the partner share an API Key used for both encryption and API requests.
    • AppSumo creates a message by combining a timestamp with the request body and encrypts it using the shared API Key (See API: Getting started)
    • This encrypted message (SHA) is sent to the partner in the HTTP header X-Appsumo-Signature.
    • The timestamp is sent in the HTTP header X-Appsumo-Timestamp, and the data is sent in unencrypted JSON format in the request body.
  • Validation Process:
    • The partner receives the timestamp and data, combines them to form a single message, and encrypts it using the API Key.
    • The partner then compares the generated SHA with the value in X-Appsumo-Signature.
    • If they match, the request is confirmed as authentic and unmodified.

# Verifying webhook requests (Optional)

The following codes are example of how an AppSumo Partner can generate the SHA with the data sent by AppSumo and compare both SHA message.