# Partner profile API

For more information about contacts or profile urls see Key terms)

# Endpoints

# GET /profile

Gets your profile information

# Example request

GET https://api.licensing.appsumo.com/v2/profile


# Example response

  "profile_id": 1,
  "webhook_url": "https://your-url.com/appsumo-webhook",
  "redirect_url": "https://your-url.com/",
  "contacts": {
    "size": 1,
    "items": [{
      "contact_id": 1,
      "name": "Support",
      "email": "support@your-url.com",
      "created_at": "2022-03-29T17:09:06.430447Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-03-29T17:09:06.430447Z"
  "created_at": "2022-03-29T17:09:05.478031Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-05-04T16:57:27.136789Z"

# POST /profile/contact

Add a contact to your partner profile

# Field parameters

  • email - Your contact's email
  • name - Your contact's name

# Example request

POST https://api.licensing.appsumo.com/v2/profile/contact


# Example response

  "contact_id": 19,
  "name": "Beckett Mariner",
  "email": "mariner@your-url.com",
  "created_at": "2022-05-06T16:32:30.241060816Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-05-06T16:32:30.241060816Z"

# DELETE /profile/contact/:contact_id

Delete a contact from your contact list

# URL parameters

  • :contact_id - The contact's ID. This can be fetched from GET /profile

# Example request

POST https://api.licensing.appsumo.com/v2/profile/contact/19


# Example response

Contact deleted

# Key terms

# Contacts

Adding a contact can be very important if AppSumo needs to contact you in the event that AppSumo cannot make requests to your application.

# Profile URLS

The redirect and webhook URLs are the same as the ones that can be found on the AppSumo Partner Portal (opens new window). Using the API can be an option to programmatically update them if needed.