# Getting started

# Prerequisites

  • An approved application on AppSumo
  • A valid API key

Header Content Type's allowed for POST requests

  • application/json

# API key

You can find your API on your product page in the AppSumo Partner Portal (opens new window). The key is hidden by default, clicking the eye symbol will make it visible.

Licensing OAuth keys

Using your API key you can get license information about your application. There are two types of information you can query:

  1. Licensing
  2. Your Profile

In order to access this information you'll need to make a request. (See Making the request). All requests are rate limited to 20 requests per minute

# Making the request

Using your API, you will make either a request to our server using one of the endpoints below. The request must include a header key called X-AppSumo-Licensing-Key with the value being your API key.

Example request:

GET /v2/licenses/:license_key


Example response:

  "license_key": "d8bfa201-d8c0-4bc8-a27c-b1c12efa4a5a",
  "plan_id": "1510ad397635386dd1ce401ddddde8886cbaa927efa0f3c66de680cfed5b7480",
  "status": "active",
  "tier": 1,
  "created_at": "2022-01-01 00:00:00+00",
  "updated_at": "2022-01-01 00:00:00+00"

# Quick start

Here is a list of all the endpoints that is available to all AppSumo Partners. Using your API key you can make requests to get information on your application's licenses or partner profile.

# Base API URL


# Licensing API

For more details see License API

	GET `/licenses`
	GET `/licenses/events`
	GET `/licenses/:license_key`
	GET `/licenses/:license_key/events`
	GET `/licenses/:license_key/webhook-responses`

# Partner profile API

For more details see Partner profile API

	GET    `/profile`
	PUT    `/profile`
	POST   `/profile/contact`
	DELETE `/profile/contact:contact_id`